The simple answer is anywhere rural will do, there are over 9500 registered farms in Australia and almost all of them will count. But we know many of you won’t have any clue about rural Australia so here is a short list of places we know well.

South Australia - McLaren Vale, Barossa Valley, Adelaide, Gawler, Mount Gambier, Berri, Renmark, Murray Bridge, Penola

Victoria - Mildura, Shepparton, Robin Vale, Bright, Cobram, Beechworth

New South Wales - Griffith, Hillston, Batlow, Forbes, Orange, Tumut, Young, Wee Waa, Moree

Queensland - Bundaberg, Gatton, Murgon, Childers, Gayndah, Rockhampton, Bowen, Innisfail, Cairns

Western Australia - Mundaring, Bussleton, Margaret River, Manjimup, Lakeland

Northern Territory - Darwin, Katherine

Tasmania - Smithton, Devonport, Ulverstone, Burnie, Deloraine, Launceston, Scottsdale, Richmond, New Norfolk, Huonville

All of the above areas have various different forms of specified work, visit The Harvest Trail for a full list. We picked grapes in McLaren Vale, Apples in Shepparton and packed potatoes in Barossa Valley. Barossa Valley was the pick of the 3, we got pretty good hours and the pay was hourly. McLaren Vale grape picking is a farce to be honest.

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